”—Lolá Ákínmádé Åkerström, internationally. Topf, MD FACP (@kidney_boy) Dec 13, 2021 DrSomedayMaybe Read on Twitter I want to point out that if ANY of the 40+ docs that missed my Addisons Disease had used a curse word in front of me I wouldn’t have given a shit if it meant they correctly treated me (spoiler: NONE of them figured it out and I suffered for 7 YEARS) #MedTwitter 1/ Onyi Nwabineli is a Nigerian British head-wrap aficionado. At twenty-two years old, Sydney is enjoying a great life: She’s in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her best friend, Tori. Maybe Someday Collection: Maybe Someday, Maybe Not, Maybe Now. And respectfully, using the “I’m poor and in a lot of debt” doesn’t bolster your point. “@grouchybbmd @Hdpeterson19 Of course it’s more complicated I’m saying 1 aspect of “toxic surgery culture” is acknowledging paying a doctor $500,000/year attracts capitalists good at taking tests It does NOT attract good doctors”Log in. Topf, MD FACP (@kidney_boy) Dec 13, 2021 On a serious/sappy note #MedTwitter has changed my life in the best way Y’all helped make this first gen college student a DOCTOR I’m currently living with someone I met on Twitter 3 raccoons & an opossum wearing a white coat with too many pins🦝🎀 currently mid degree heist🩺💉*these opinions belong to the opossum and to the opossum only* Marathoner Med Student (in a tutu) 🦥(@DrSomedayMaybe)のツイートやお気に入り、アイコン履歴のページです。過去ログを検索したり、日付ごとにまとめることができます。 Generate Tweets like @DrSomedayMaybe with AI Generate tweets on the same tone and same topic than @DrSomedayMaybe with our AI Twitter Tool Naval Dickie Bush 🚢 Wes Kao 🏛 Nick Huber Trung Phan Lenny Rachitsky Tibo Balaji Srinivasan Jack Butcher Patrick McKenzie Paul Graham levelsio Sam Parr 👀 Pomp 🌪 Shaan Puri Julian Shapiro Andrew. 2268 likes. It’s January 1995, and Franny Banks. You’re welcome to not respond to me if you don’t want to “debate” (not that I’m trying to debate you, I was just telling you originally the correct amount of time gen surg + subspecialties train)”“Happy #EarthDay from your favorite chaotic wildlife biologist (me, duh) Please enjoy this thread of my favorite photos of me enjoying nature and some of my amateur wildlife photography And a video of dolphins jumping behind our boat 🥰. Onyi Nwabineli. Ever. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“I’m genuinely considering driving to another state to get CORN because I’m convinced corn on the cob will solve all my issues today Somebody please help me write a sitcom about how desperate & deranged med school makes you It’ll be a hit I’ve got too much material 😅”In this conversation. Not too far from big cities, cool historical things to see, lots of nature, and plenty of sports (UConn, the Sun, Yard Goats, Wolf Pack). Live“@MrsPA_C I’m dating an engineer who used to slam red bulls and make computer models all night I’m going to be a professional trained child resuscitator who’s used to thriving under high stakes high pressure situations on no sleep At least kids make funny faces and say cute stuff”“@nickmmark Hey doc, leaving this here”RT @DrSomedayMaybe: I really can’t convey how much it’s destroying me that a 6 year old brought a gun to school to shoot his teacher He’s 6 A child Do you know how small 6 year olds are? They probably had him in handcuffs A child knew you used a gun to shoot someone when you’re upset We failed him. @DrSomedayMaybe: - Лучший вратарь мира! Как же сильно я его люблю! @NickGeddesNews: - Поставьте ему памятник! @WeissHockeyTalk: - Андрей Василевский - не человек. by Colleen Hoover. Otherwise, you’re absolutely correct and. This guide to the Maybe Someday series will give you all the details regarding this popular book series including the Maybe Someday series summary, the Maybe Someday reading order, the Maybe Someday genre and trope, and. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“Ok #MedTwitter I’ve had SO MANY people help me on the past 2 days I need help for a dear friend She’s a PharmD I’m looking for ANY connections for her as she applies to residency this year Her goal is to do research for the next 6 months & go to the mid year meeting Help pls 🙏🏼”“@DrSomedayMaybe @Hdpeterson19 Because I think what you’re tweeting is a bad take. Think I could make it. Surely people who actually contribute to society are more deserving of unreasonably high salaries than people whose sole purpose is keeping other people poor. Oh oh oh, and darling you know. In a personal productivity system a la GTD, the most important category of elements that don’t require any action is probably the one constituted by those things you don’t have. “Tell me why I asked an APD today what happens when a resident calls out on an inpatient block (wards, PICU, NICU) because they’re sick She said “the hospitalist covers them. More. “@informedc0nsent @DrSomedayMaybe No one has taking Accutane has killed someone or flown a plane into a building. I tend to stay away from any women in medicine meetings because those select individuals seem to rise to the top in those venues. AUTHOR: Francisco Sáez. DrSomedayMaybe Read on Twitter I want to point out that if ANY of the 40+ docs that missed my Addisons Disease had used a curse word in front of me I wouldn’t have given. I disagree with you and have just as much debt. “@DrSomedayMaybe I’m pissed for you. Sup 👋🏼 Actual wildlife ecologist here who happens to be 45 days away from becoming a physician Multiple species are known to switch sexual characteristics &. Which they weren't. 5 mile coast line (2020) - completed the #NYCMarathon (2022) All while being “obese” Idk man, seems to me this outdated metric of health by which we shame & judge our patients should probably die #MedTwitter #Health”RT @DrSomedayMaybe: All the advocacy and destigmatize sexual wellness is being jeopardized Gay men are getting tested because they’re paying attention They’re advocating for community awareness and support They’ve been left to fend for themselves before And we’re blaming them for that awareness. Not coincidentally, the author of “Someday, Someday, Maybe,” Lauren Graham. “Today is the day you have to start believing in yourself. My own collections of art and fashion accessories seem to perpetually grow and change, but always consist of exciting, beautiful, and unique creations featuring bold, vivid color and familiar stylized imagery. At twenty-two years old, Sydney is enjoying a great life: She’s in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her best friend, Tori. ” ~ Aristotle. “Ps: TALK to your patient families They are more than numbers in a chart Save yourselves the wrath of a caretaker by simply USING YOUR WORDS to have a conversation Not every decision is cut and dry as you are taught in med school/training”In this conversation. ”“@Snarkmeister2a @SixOnTheOther @DrSomedayMaybe 90% not a doc. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation. “@pjputh @appyjumpindaze @callie_mt Patients have not had the right to see ALL clinical notes in EMR/charts I’ve been through more than one lawsuit Despite getting “all” of my records lots of things were legally withheld until discovery brought them to light Medicine is built to protect their own, not patients”“Please feel free to retweet - I’m very open about my journey in medicine I think sometimes even the best physicians just need some perspective from one of the formerly “difficult” ones ️ 18/18 #MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #DocsWithDisabilities #WomenMedTwitter #GayMedTwitter”“@DrSomedayMaybe @Hdpeterson19 Okay, I was just responding saying I don’t think you’re right. (approx. 以為世界已經很壞,其實未算壞,對於一切無法控制的事物,我們狼狽無助,疼痛也懶得處理. 4th year med student🩺 almost pediatrician🦄 wildlife ecologist 🍃🦇 die hard Lightning fan💙⚡️proud endurance athlete💪🏼 marathoner🏅 Patty Maroon’s #1 fan ️ “The only thing that kept me going during an ACTUAL marathon (the @nycmarathon, hi besties ️) was hyping myself up with photos at every single mile I’ve been on this journey to become a doctor for 14 years I started at 16 I’m almost 30 You’ve GOTTA find joy in the journey y’all” “thank you kind internet strangers for validating my feelings of raw unfiltered rage when I'm told this by anybody not in medicine if I do not know you and you've come here with advice let me direct you to my Venmo instead, as *doing something* is preferred - @ drsomedaymaybe” @DrSomedayMaybe Mostly agree, but I do think that if anyone should be paid that much, it’s people whose role is public service. In this conversation. Topf, MD FACP (@kidney_boy) Dec 13, 2021. 09 Jan 2023 00:28:19In this conversation. ”. ― Colleen Hoover, Maybe. ”. 2 hours But the sheer repetition of pool swimming BORES ME, so the discipline to commit to 80 laps took A LOT and the time cut was a BIG bonus”In this conversation. ”. You said they were probably an NP or a PA. ”Someday, Someday, Maybe is a novel of finding yourself, of finding others, and of finding love, in its various and complicated forms. “@DumbDumDumbDum1 @Med_Life_Crisis @ali_oats Y’all. Take a deep dive into the Maybe Someday series with this ultimate guide to Colleen Hoover’s new adult romance series. Genre: Comedy, Drama, Lgbtq+. ” ~ Aristotle. “Saw a derm today I’m a weeeeeee bit annoyed because I’ve had it with my cystic acne (new acquisition in my late 20s, never had it as a kid) She gave me samples of this med Was hella vague about it And if it works OF COURSE it’s 💸💸💸 Anyone know anything about Seysara?”Someday, Maybe is a stunning, witty debut novel about a young woman’s emotional journey through unimaginable loss, pulled along by her tight-knit Nigerian family, a posse of friends, and the love and laughter she shared with her husband. She expertly weaves magic into her stories ensuring that even though the last page has been turned you're still going to be thinking about the story while creating characters you won't ever be able to forget. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation. This is the debut novel of Lauren Graham who used to play Lorelai Gilmore on Gilmore Girls, and who now plays Sarah Braverman on Parenthood. Colleen Hoover; Home; Events; About me; Books. She’s made her amends with her sisters and friends and is ready to start a new chapter in her life. Mad. I'll never be the same. “Fun fact: med schools can just raise their tuition year to year with no explanation, cost breakdown, or warning So even if a med student saved EVERY penny, lived as frugal as possible, never spent “fun money” All it takes is one $3,000 tuition hike & poof it’s gone #MedTwitter”A GOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICK • A BOOK OF THE MONTH CLUB PICK • A LIBRARYREADS PICK “If you are someone who gravitates toward emotional gut punch reads, allow me to introduce you to this spectacular debut…”— BuzzFeed Here are three things you should know about my husband:. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“I think it takes some of the pressure off They know I can give a reliable history, they can ask me questions a non-med person might not understand I understand the work flow, the pauses for charting, the follow up I know it’s not for everyone, but WOW it helps communication 👌🏼”In this conversation. With Michelle Ehlen, Charlie Steers, Shaela Cook, Jeneen Robinson. In this conversation. I finished this book the same day I bought it and. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“@DrSomedayMaybe @AdairaLandryMD As a Brit (well USA/UK raised in UK) it's so so mad to me that gun safety advice is top paed advice. — Joel M. A lot of you are familiar with my twitter - @ DrSomedayMaybe where I have documented my journey. On one hand he’s correct, on the other he is the internet’s greatest protector of the eyeball. I wish someone had pointed me to physiotherapists before having children, and especially in between them, rather than vaguely parroting tv shows where people just advise “kegels”. I was just pointing it out I know that in medicine we strive not to do that, but none of us are perfect. Watch. When I was in law school, that was beaten into us over and over and over again. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“*remembers we play hockey tonight* *remembers my Isles fan bf is on his way over* *changes out of regular pajamas into my appropriate @TBLightning pajamas and onesie* Another WILD Friday night y’all #GoBolts”someday, maybe Lyrics. parisshari: - Я так рад, что у нас есть Василевский! jacobsullins19: See tweets, replies, photos and videos from @DrSomedayMaybe Twitter profile. Sign up“@grouchybbmd @Hdpeterson19 I genuinely believe this and stand by this statement and if everyone else wants to argue and debate it that’s fine I just don’t 🤷🏻♀️ “At some point we have to acknowledge paying a doctor $500,000 attracts capitalists good at taking tests It does NOT attract good doctors””“@DrSomedayMaybe @Hdpeterson19 Doctors aren’t public servants lol and that mindset reinforces the deification/“it’s a calling” of doctors”[Verse 1: Michael Bublé] I love seeing you happy I miss seeing that smile It's been such a long time And although I don't have you I know now that I need to Somehow make you mine And I won't lie. AUTHOR: Francisco Sáez. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“@temafudge One of the serval running jokes in my relationship is him saying “I’ll still love you and come with you even if we have to figure out how to enjoy Ohio” 😂😬”In this conversation. ”. In the midst of separating from her wife, Jay attempts to move across the country to. 8K Following. MCAT retaker. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“@WhyamIhereb My dad is a small town handyman I feel this in my SOUL”In this conversation. @DrSomedayMaybe. ― Lauren Graham, Someday, Someday, Maybe. Seems to me, you should have learned in medical school to not jump to conclusions. You were making an educated guess. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation. ”. — Joel M. ”“@DrMcFillin_PsyD Please do NOT take the advice of someone who is NOT a medical doctor in regards to weening off SSRI/Benzo!!! There’s a reason he can’t even prescribe them, he doesn’t have the education or proficiency If you don’t make enough neurotransmitters, store bought is GREAT #MedTwitter”“@jtrebach Struggling MS2 here that is formally requesting the Lana Del Ray for morale please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼”This Study Guide consists of approximately 32 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Maybe Someday. In this conversation. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“@samsfeelinggood Even tigers like their shit room temperature at least Come on 😂”Never done more than a two step craft. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“My boyfriend just said “kidney is here” and pointed directly to the middle of his chest 💀💀💀 WHEN I TELL YALL WE NEED BETTER HEALTH EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This man is a whole ENGINEER 😂😭”“@TBLightning I am a loyal member of the church of Jon Cooper “Let’s get greedy tonight” Amen coach! 🙏🏼”In this conversation. In the midst of separating from her wife, Jay attempts to move across the country to start her life over again as she grapples with the inevitable cycles of love, loss, and everything in between. — Joel M. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“@memesMD @olsonplanner @BaeBielle I would likely do peds EM which increases salary quite a bit and still qualifies for most loan forgiveness programs from my current understanding”“Y’all he watched me type this We both laughed I’d be VERY bad at his job The joke is, I KNOW we don’t adequately teach people about their bodies That’s WHY I WANT TO BE A PEDIATRICIAN Sheeesh Learn how to take a joke folks & I’m not breaking up with him, he’s GREAT & I love him”“@LadyDoctorSays @j_thePA @BrassAgainst My class was actually at our Med Prom when we got the email we’d be going remote for 2 weeks “out of an abundance of caution” Our dean even spoke about it We were already fairly tanked on the open bar and cheered Hindsight 20/20 that was actually not a cheer worthy moment 😂😅”Add “remodel kitchen” to the Someday/Maybe list. Maybe Someday Quotes Showing 1-30 of 365. Except for books, Amazon will display a List Price if the product was purchased by customers on Amazon or offered by other retailers at or above the List Price in at least the past 90 days. “@OhNoUDilauDidnt Nope! But Chaps says hi! (He is chunky plush key chain sized)”In this conversation. You aren’t going to go remodel your kitchen right this instant. ― Colleen Hoover, Maybe Someday. Maybe Someday is a true testament to just how masterful of a story teller Colleen Hoover truly is. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation. she/her/hers If it can’t be like it was, I’ve got to let it rest. My cherie amour, distant as the Milky Way. List Management. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation. There is no reason a physician, who’s role is a public servant, should be paid that much money It’s obscene and part of. Maybe someday’s come…. See tweets, replies, photos and videos from @DrSomedayMaybe Twitter profile. 5. I only meant half the things I said. We have no jeopardy” AND I STARTED TEARING UP🥹 Like it’s been 0 days since I’ve EMBARRASSED myself 🤦🏻♀️”“@DrSomedayMaybe @Snarkmeister2a @SixOnTheOther My only comment is that it’s technically inductive (not deductive) reasoning but I’m a super nerd and can’t help it sorry. Although the connection I immediately felt to Someday, Someday, Maybe was no doubt a result of Graham’s versatile talent, her heartfelt characters, and the eternal struggle of being an aspiring artist, I was in my last year of high school the first time that I read it. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“He died a little over a year after losing his leg Not from infection Not from diabetes Not from heart failure Not from a stroke He died because we don't take care of amputees He died because he lost his will to live & he gave up He died because medicine failed him #MedTwitter 4/”“@kiswanson If the baby doesn’t have chubby squishing rolls then I don’t want it”“@DoHopeful Not uncomfortable in that sense More so, I think the obsession with attributing everything to God is just kinda weird It’s a computer algorithm largely based on a numbers game skewed to benefit certain populations A large part of Match is luck Not calling it that is untruthful”In this conversation. ― Lauren Graham, Someday, Someday, Maybe. 3 raccoons and an opossum wearing a white coat with too many pins 🦝🎀 currently mid degree heist 🩺💉 Subscribe Nov 18,. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation. Someday/Maybe (S/M) is not just for “blue sky” or “dream” projects; it’s for *any* goal, project or next action that you are not committed to achieving or doing right now. Making a case for a higher salary for primary care docs doesn’t mean we should be disparaging other specialties for their pay”“@DrSomedayMaybe @Hdpeterson19 And uhhh the toxic surgical culture you’re referring to is not something you can just say a result of the higher compensation at the end… it’s far more complicated than that”“@DrSomedayMaybe @Hdpeterson19 Have you considered that there are other people (including myself) also grew up poor and are in a lot of debt from medical education who disagree with you?”“@DrSomedayMaybe @Hdpeterson19 I mean I’m going into internal medicine and there are internal medicine subspecialties that pay that and there’s certainly not the same reputation for the toxic culture in some of those subspecialties…?”'An astonishing debut, rich in both heartbreak and humour' Jendella Benson, author of Hope & Glory Stunningly honest and bursting with wit, Someday Maybe is the story of grief and resilience that you won't be able to stop talking about Here are three things you should know about my husband: 1. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“@SMarkeseMD @marklewismd And even now whenever I get back to it I STILL am in absurd pain the first 4 classes And then it’s like “oh yea those bone calluses And hypertrophied muscle are still here! Yea you’re good” I joke that I. Slammed Series; Hopeless Series“@SixOnTheOther @DrSomedayMaybe @transplnt_mdphd”“@DrSomedayMaybe The downside for us is you almost have to be wealthy at this point to go into vet med, as $250k in loans are hard to pay off making $90k/year. 25 Jul 2022“@txdvm1 @darkmich The only way I’ll pay off $489,000 on a pediatrician salary is if I can get a bailout 🤷🏻♀️ It’s the facts of the system”“@jacasiegel I’ve been told by my mom that very specifically this is what my dad wants and he wants the one that also allows you to test the battery”“I'm 28 years old with 500K in debt, currently doing bullshit busy work that I pay $64,000/year to do I get no control over my schedule, can be seen as "unprofessional" for literally anything, & am about to pay $2,000+ to take exams and then $3,000+ to apply for jobs I want to DIE”“How do you treat a 12 year old child with MAJOR behavioral changes (panic attacks, anxiety) & NOT do basic bloodwork How do you prescribe a child anti-depressant/anxiety meds & NOT do a CBC & CMP first On a related note One of my fave kids got a very delayed T1DM diagnosis today”Well if you actually plan to do primary care I assume mom & dad are paying for med school because if you think you’re paying off $30K+ in student loans on a PCP salary that’[email protected] Sep 18, 2020 I cannot imagine how hard #RBG fought for life knowing the state of this country right now and less than 2 months from an election. Bailey's Family Hurricane Ian Electricity Repair. She expertly weaves magic into her stories ensuring that even though the last page has been turned you're still going to be thinking about the story while creating characters you won't ever be able to forget. 75 years of med school I’m posting thoughts not signing up for a debate lol”Struggling to move forward with the next chapter of her life, memories of the past resurface as Jay grapples with the inevitable cycles of love, loss, and letting go. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation. This guide to the Maybe Someday series will give you all the details regarding this popular book series including the Maybe Someday series summary, the Maybe Someday reading order, the Maybe Someday genre and trope, and the Maybe Someday series age rating. The waves they just soothe my pain away. I was a medical. I'm such a crybaby cause you said I'm not your baby no more. Colleen Hoover Professional Make Believer. . Put a warning about violent/aggressive behavior if you want, but some people on Tylenol get violent or aggressive. And you're completely comfortable with that right now. 18 · 512 Ratings · 19 Reviews · 9 editions. Sup 👋🏼 Actual wildlife ecologist here who happens to be 45 days away from becoming a physician Multiple species are known to switch sexual characteristics & sometimes even gender in the wild You’re an idiot who knows nothing about reproductive biology, you’re just being awful 👍🏼NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From Lauren Graham, the beloved star of Gilmore Girls and Parenthood, comes a witty, charming, and hilariously relatable debut novel about a struggling young actress trying to get ahead―and keep it together―in New York City. Like. I’ll see you smile as you call my name. Managing the “Someday Maybes” with GTD. Bailey Quinn is organizing this fundraiser. “@thegtb When they ask me for donations all I’m going to respond with is “you made me buy my own PPE during a pandemic” And I’m just going to repeat it Over And over And over And over Until they get frustrated enough to hang up”In this conversation. Start to feel, and it feels the same. Someday, Someday, Maybe. 8K Followers, 3. “Among my favorite parts of continuing my training in New England is watching my mentors faces light up when I tell them I’m staying in the tri-state area 🥹 This community isn’t that big The DOs all know each other I didn’t expect to stay here but they’re hyped to keep me here”A Project has one or more associated Next Actions to complete. I. And I. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“Nothing says study break like having to Clorox my counters, faucet, and sink because raw pork and raw chicken juice went EVERYWHERE when I opened my @blueapron box 🙃🙃🙃 All I wanted was to cook dinner But screw it cleaning up this gross mess and ordering @dominos 🙃”In this conversation. Whatttt the fuckkkkkkkk”“@emrosedoyle @j_thePA A very similar subset of people will be like “they isn’t a singular pronoun” I’m like ok great so you don’t understand how our (admittedly very confusing) language works, you can just say that! You can just be like “hey I have no idea what I’m talking about” save us all TIME 🙃”“@LeArielleSimone HOW TO DETOX: Step 1: Have a liver Step 2: Have a kidney (if possible, 2) Step 3: Have a lung (if possible, 2) There you’ve done it! In 3 simple steps you’ve detoxed every single thing that comes into your body! Incredible! #MedTwitter”“Someday, Someday, Maybe” is a novel about a 20-something actress struggling to catch a break in 1990s New York. ”Fucking AWESOME emergency surgery on a Thursday night This is great I fucking love it here God fucking dammit it doesn’t get easier watching our incompetent medical. How I wish that you. Lots of issues here but advice to parents on gun storage has never crossed my mind”In this conversation. “What lies in your power to do, lies in your power not to do. Log in. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“@grouchybbmd @Hdpeterson19 I fundamentally disagree Doctors are public servants and the INSANELY HIGH compensation awarded to some specialties is attracting the wrong people to medicine It’s also alienating doctors as rich elites which is NOT the role a physician should have their community”In this conversation. Maybe Someday: Directed by Michelle Ehlen. Not to say I couldn’t see myself in the characters or their problems whatsoever,. You aren’t even going to start planning to. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“Also LOL my body battery is on -34 and my stress level is 84 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 I slept like shit I haven’t eaten all day And my resting heart rate is tachycardic All I know is swim That’s it Brain is smooth Just swim I am a manatee Swim. A Someday/Maybe has none. If I don’t see you soon I don’t know just what I’m gonna do. And I know that maybe someday’s come. “Incisive and witty. With Michelle Ehlen, Charlie Steers, Shaela Cook, Jeneen Robinson. DrSomedayMaybe is determined to promote fitness for all body types. “Be truthful, say what you mean and mean what you say, don't ignore the given circumstances. Read on Twitter. 30 likes. Bailey Quinn is determined to promote fitness for all body types. Which is higher, 90%, or “probably”?”“@DrSomedayMaybe @Hdpeterson19 and that we don’t need to make sweeping generalizations about other specialties”Maybe Someday. FWIW, in your future endeavours. Kindle Edition. The Someday Maybe Band was founded on the love of good ole fashioned American music!“It didn’t feel right leaving the pool without one last good swim 💙🧜🏼♀️ Double deuces to say goodbye to my favorite place 🏼 🏼👌🏼👌🏼 (I chose violence against my ENT and launched a grenade into my relationship for this. nutrigenomic researcher, CNA, cat mom. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. “thank you kind internet strangers for validating my feelings of raw unfiltered rage when I'm told this by anybody not in medicine if I do not know you and you've come. 4th year med student🩺 almost pediatrician🦄 wildlife. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“Semi-desperate SOS to #MedTwitter #WomenMedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter I need business casual clothes (pants & tops) Preferably that I can buy online (yay dedicated) Must carry “plus” sizing (🙄 I’ll gripe about that term later) I’m not skinny y’all ANY recommendations PLEASE🙏🏼”Walker Forsyth is two years sober and back in her hometown of Moonflower Cove after two years away. 8K Following. This section contains 531 words. Please stop dancing in my mind. I don’t want what I did, I had a change of tense. If you tweet something on your public page people are going to respond. Agree on the pool barrier esp for little boys. No offense taken”“@DrSomedayMaybe @Hdpeterson19 Research years are becoming the standard in general surgery residency, and many general surgery residents will do fellowships. “@hc6packranch Sup 👋🏼 Actual wildlife ecologist here who happens to be 45 days away from becoming a physician Multiple species are known to switch sexual characteristics & sometimes even gender in the wild You’re an idiot who knows nothing about reproductive biology, you’re just being awful👍🏼” @DrSomedayMaybe Med Student: The only problem with medicine is hospital CEO yachts. “@DarthLux I’m ABSURDLY excited to see Jesse meet the kittens 🥺”In this conversation. Born in Benin, Nigeria, she grew up in Glasgow, the Isle of Man and Newcastle, and now lives in London. From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of I…. Onyi is the cofounder of Surviving Out Loud, a fund that provides fiscal support for survivors of sexual assault, and the founder of Black Pens (black-pens. ”“@DrSomedayMaybe Sorry I am just not willing to trade 12-18 months of attending salary in exchange for working less. Share Donate now. Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Someday, Someday, Maybe. I want to point out that if ANY of the 40+ docs that missed my Addisons Disease had used a curse word in front of me I wouldn’t have given a shit if it meant they correctly treated me (spoiler: NONE of them figured it out and I suffered for 7 YEARS) #MedTwitter 1/Maybe Someday is the kind of book that you read for several consecutive hours and walk around the house with it, firmly attached to your hand. Our colleagues are generally awesome. 8K Following.