Unfaithful synonyms. The work of art is always unfaithful to its creator. Unfaithful synonyms

 The work of art is always unfaithful to its creatorUnfaithful synonyms  Impact

1 as in adultery lack of faithfulness especially to one's husband or wife infidelity can lead to divorce Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance adultery betrayal disloyalty faithlessness unfaithfulness perfidy treachery inconstancy falseness perfidiousness deception falsity lying deceit treason duplicity double-dealing sellout double cross Find 16 ways to say UNFAITHFULNESS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. Find 16 ways to say UNFAITHFULNESS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. n. External Links . Contexts Disloyal, treacherous, or insincere Engaging in relations with a person other than one's regular partner Having treacherously changed allegiance Wrong or incorrect. Find more similar words at wordhippo. They are truly responsible for laying the foundations of this disaster by hiring Azaiez in spite of community concerns and, subsequent to that, suppressing the viewpoints of two other board members who have tried to draw attention to this problem, the unfaithful fiveboard members topped all these. Synonyms of unfaithful. Synonyms for UNFAITHFULNESS: infidelity, adultery, betrayal, faithlessness, disloyalty, perfidy, inconstancy, treachery; Antonyms of UNFAITHFULNESS: faithfulness, loyalty,. Other usefull sources with synonyms of this word:Quotes about unfaithful . Find out the translation of unfaithful English multilingual translator Trends of use of unfaithful Another way to say Unfaithful Wife? Synonyms for Unfaithful Wife (other words and phrases for Unfaithful Wife). Find. Find more similar words at wordhippo. Synonyms of faithful faithful 1 of 2 adjective Definition of faithful 1 as in loyal firm in one's allegiance to someone or something fans of the Chicago Cubs are famously faithful Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance loyal steadfast staunch devout true devoted dedicated good pious constant steady ardent fervent fast stanch true-blue down-the-line 1 as in deception the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery a conscienceless adventuress who never earned anything except through cheating Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance deception fraud deceit deceptiveness cunning deceitfulness lying dishonesty duplicity double-dealing fakery crookedness secrecy dissembling synonyms: faithless, traitorous, treasonable, treasonous disloyal deserting your allegiance or duty to leader or cause or principle adjective not trustworthy “an unfaithful reproduction” Synonyms: Another way to say Unfaithful? Synonyms for Unfaithful (other words and phrases for Unfaithful). synonyms: faithless,. com!Find 110 ways to say BE UNFAITHFUL, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. Contexts . sentences. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. synonyms. Find 8 ways to say CHEATING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. Synonyms for cheating include deceit, dishonesty, duplicity, guile, craftiness, fraud, cunning, artifice, deception and craft. sentences. : not adhering to vows, allegiance, or duty : disloyal. traitorous human. There will also be a list of synonyms for your answer. Synonyms for CHEATED: misrepresented, distorted, evaded, fudged, twisted, dodged, finagled, elaborated; Antonyms of CHEATED: satisfied, gratified, contented. phrases. thesaurus. unfaithful. Infidelity may or may not involve sexual encounters, and can happen in person or online. Unfaithful. phrases. If you know synonyms for Unfaithful, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words. un· faith· ful ˌən-ˈfāth-fəl. Nearby Words . Unfaithful Thesaurus. unfaithfulness, unfaithfully. What are synonyms for cheating?The meaning of CUCKOLD is a man whose wife is unfaithful. antonyms. b. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. having a sexual relationship or experience with a person who is not your husband, wife, or usual…. unfaithful adjective. synonyms. Find 8 ways to say CHEATING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it. Synonyms for INFIDELITY: adultery, betrayal, disloyalty, faithlessness, unfaithfulness, perfidy, treachery, inconstancy; Antonyms of INFIDELITY: fidelity, loyalty, faith, devotion,. Synonyms for Unfaithful 499 other terms for unfaithful - words and phrases with similar meaningSynonyms of faithful faithful 1 of 2 adjective Definition of faithful 1 as in loyal firm in one's allegiance to someone or something fans of the Chicago Cubs are famously faithful. nouns. definitions. Related terms for unfaithful- synonyms. Suggest synonym . adjective. The Many Synonyms of CuckoldAll solutions for "unfaithful" 10 letters crossword answer - We have 1 clue, 62 answers & 35 synonyms from 5 to 13 letters. Synonyms for cheating in Free Thesaurus. ˈtruːθfʊl ʌnˈhɛlθfʊl ʌnˈtruːθfʊl ˈwɜːθfʊl ˈrɒθfʊl ˈjuːθfʊl The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «unfaithful» and belong to the same grammatical category. : not faithful to marriage vows. Synonyms for be unfaithful to include do the dirty on, betray, cheat, defraud, double-cross, be disloyal to, break faith with, deceive, hoodwink and mislead. The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «unfaithful» in the different countries. Another word for unfaithful: having sex with someone other than one's regular partner | Collins English ThesaurusSynonyms for CHEATING: womanizing, philandering, lying, chicanery, defrauding, cheat, deceiving, duplicity, gypping, stinging, chiselling, sticking, victimizing. 7 synonyms for cheating: cheat, two-timing, adulterous, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, foul, dirty. 2 (adjective) in the sense of disloyal. Antonyms: loyal, true, accurate, faithful, truehearted, true to(p), fast(a), firm. Parts of speech. What is another word for unfaithful? Need synonyms for unfaithful? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. false man. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. having sexual relations with someone other than your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend "her husband was unfaithful" Synonyms:unfaithful: 1 adj not true to duty or obligation or promises “an unfaithful lover” Synonyms: inconstant likely to change frequently often without apparent or cogent reason; variable apostate not faithful to religion or party or cause perfidious , punic , treacherous tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to. Synonyms for Unfaithful (other words and phrases for Unfaithful). Unfaithful. Parts of speech. Related terms for unfaithful- synonyms. Impact. Art lays at a higher level; it says something more, and almost always, it says something different from what the artist wanted to say. having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor. Unfaithful Synonyms and Antonyms ŭn-fāthfəl Meanings Synonyms Sentences Unique Words Not faithful (Adjective) Synonyms: traitorous false faithless perfidious untrue treacherous treasonable disloyal recreant untrustworthy unreliable deceitful foresworn adulterous apostate derelict false-hearted dishonest not true to of bad faith fickle inaccurate synonyms for be unfaithful Compare Synonyms abandon deceive forsake mislead seduce bluff cross delude desert finger jilt knife trick bite the hand that feeds you blow the whistle break faith break promise break trust break with commit treason deliver up double-cross go back on inform against inform on let down play Judas play false The quality, state or act of being disloyal or unfaithful disloyalty faithlessness falseness falsity inconstancy infidelity perfidiousness perfidy apostasy deceitfulness defection dereliction fickleness improbity recreancy bad faith treachery dishonesty traitorousness treacherousness false-heartedness betrayal fraud treason doubt disbelief Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Unfaithful meaning and usage. antonyms for infidelity Most relevant faithfulness honesty loyalty fidelity Another way to say Unfaithful Husband? Synonyms for Unfaithful Husband (other words and phrases for Unfaithful Husband). idioms. Menu . traitorous human. faithless. 1 (adjective) in the sense of faithless. The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «unfaithful» and belong to the same grammatical category. idioms. n. Synonyms for Cheating. 1 512 other terms for cheating- words and phrases with similar meaning. . - Octavio Paz 2. words. Solve your "unfaithful" crossword puzzle fast & easy with the-crossword-solver. Synonyms. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Definitions of Unfaithful. false man. 499 other terms for unfaithful- words and phrases with similar meaning. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. words. Lists. 1. Infidelity is,. adulterous man. Synonyms for unfaithfulness include disloyalty, faithlessness, falseness, falsity, inconstancy, infidelity, perfidiousness, perfidy, apostasy and deceitfulness. antonyms. synonyms: faithless, traitorous, treasonable, treasonous disloyal deserting your allegiance or duty to leader or cause or principle adjective not trustworthy “an unfaithful reproduction” Synonyms: Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Unfaithful meaning and usage. definitions. n. n. Synonyms: adulterous, cheating, two-timing. 1 (adjective) in the sense of faithless Definition having sex with someone other than one's regular partner a woman of who dumps her unfaithful partner and proceeds to lead her own life Synonyms faithless untrue two-timing (informal) adulterous fickle inconstant unchaste See examples for synonyms Opposites faithful , constant unfaithful definition: 1. n. Thesaurus for Unfaithful. com!Synonyms for CHEATER: cheat, dodger, shark, swindler, sharper, skinner, chiseler, scammer, defrauder, fraudsterFind 32 ways to say ADULTERINE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. . adulterous man. The work of art is always unfaithful to its creator. n. not faithful to a spouse or lover. Another way to say Unfaithful Husband? Synonyms for Unfaithful Husband (other words and phrases for Unfaithful Husband). n. ? Need synonyms for unfaithful? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. The quality, state or act of being disloyal or unfaithful disloyalty faithlessness falseness falsity inconstancy infidelity perfidiousness perfidy apostasy deceitfulness defection dereliction fickleness improbity recreancy bad faith treachery dishonesty traitorousness treacherousness false-heartedness betrayal fraud treason doubt disbelief unfaithful: See: broken , derelict , dishonest , disobedient , faithless , false , fraudulent , negligent , perfidious , recreant , untrue , untrustworthy Synonyms for be unfaithful include cheat, wander, cuckold, deceive, two-time, step out, play away, philander, stray and screw around. adulterous. Synonyms for Unfaithful. Log in. The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «unfaithful» in the different countries. Infidelity—also referred to as cheating or adultery—describes the act of engaging in emotional or sexual intimacy with someone outside the agreed-upon boundaries of your marriage or relationship. Synonyms for UNFAITHFUL: traitorous, unreliable, false, faithless, disloyal, treacherous, perfidious, untrue; Antonyms of UNFAITHFUL: faithful, loyal, true, constant, responsible,. The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «unfaithful» and belong to the same grammatical category. adjectives. adjectives. com! What is another word for Unfaithful? faithless disloyal, continue untrue adulterous, continue traitorous disloyal, continue false disloyal, continue treacherous disloyal, continue perfidious disloyal, traitorous disloyal false, traitorous inconstant adulterous recreant false, unreliable fickle adulterous untrustworthy traitorous, deceitful unfaithfulness bad faith extramarital relations treacherousness two-timing Compare Synonyms On this page you'll find 44 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to infidelity, such as: adultery, affair, betrayal, duplicity, treachery, and cheating. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Find more similar words at wordhippo. Lists. Learn more. Explore 'unfaithful' in the dictionary. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Thesaurus for Unfaithful. Coping. Antonyms for cheating. see more. Types. more Adjective Synonyms of unfaithful : not faithful: a : not adhering to vows, allegiance, or duty : disloyal an unfaithful friend b : not faithful to marriage vows suspected her husband of being unfaithful c : inaccurate, untrustworthy an unfaithful copy of a document unfaithfully ˌən-ˈfāth-fə-lē adverb unfaithfulness noun Synonyms disloyal faithless false 1 as in infidelity lack of faithfulness especially to one's husband or wife he eventually forgave his wife's unfaithfulness Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance infidelity adultery betrayal faithlessness disloyalty perfidy inconstancy treachery perfidiousness falseness falsity deception treason duplicity lying deceit double-dealing sellout Another way to say Unfaithful? Synonyms for Unfaithful (other words and phrases for Unfaithful). thesaurus. Disloyal, treacherous, or insincere. traitorous man. an unfaithful friend. false-hearted deceptive dishonest disloyal false perfidious traitorous treacherous underhanded unfaithfulunfaithful. What is another word for Unfaithful? faithless disloyal, continue untrue adulterous, continue traitorous disloyal, continue false disloyal, continue treacherous disloyal, continue perfidious disloyal, traitorous disloyal false, traitorous inconstant adulterous recreant false, unreliable fickle adulterous untrustworthy traitorous, deceitful false fickle untrue impious unloyal derelict disloyal recreant faithless negligent not true to seditious trothless two-timing inconstant traitorous unreliable inobservant uncompliant unobservant dishonorable We've listed any clues from our database that match your search for "unfaithful". Unfaithful Antonyms. Synonyms of unfaithful unfaithful adjective Definition of unfaithful as in traitorous not true in one's allegiance to someone or something colonists who later proved to be unfaithful to the cause of independence Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance traitorous unreliable false faithless disloyal treacherous perfidious untrue inconstant fickle recreant On this page you'll find 53 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to unfaithful, such as: cheating, untrue, adulterine, deceitful, double-crossing, and faithless. Synonyms for Unfaithful (other words and phrases for Unfaithful). Another way to say Cheating? Synonyms for Cheating (other words and phrases for Cheating). comSynonyms for UNFAITHFUL: traitorous, false, faithless, perfidious, untrue, treacherous, treasonable, disloyal, recreant, untrustworthy, unreliable, deceitful. : not faithful: a. two-timing (informal) untrue. traitorous man. Synonyms for CHEAT: misrepresent, evade, distort, dodge, fudge, twist, finagle, elaborate; Antonyms of CHEAT: satisfy, gratify, content, fulfill, fulfil, gladdenHow to use unfaithful in a sentence? Jeremy Story:. is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it. Find 23 ways to say INFIDELITY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. n. Unfaithful Man synonyms - 93 Words and Phrases for Unfaithful Man. Synonyms for TREACHEROUS: traitorous, unreliable, false, disloyal, perfidious, faithless, fickle, unfaithful; Antonyms of TREACHEROUS: constant, loyal, true, faithful. Log in. unfaithful: See: broken , derelict , dishonest , disobedient , faithless , false , fraudulent , negligent , perfidious , recreant , untrue , untrustworthy Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance traitorous unreliable false disloyal perfidious faithless fickle unfaithful inconstant untrue untrustworthy recreant irresponsible hesitant uncertain undependable faltering dubious irresolute trustless dispassionate vacillating uninterested apathetic wavering Antonyms & Near Antonyms constant loyal true faithful Unfaithful Man synonyms - 93 Words and Phrases for Unfaithful Man. "an unfaithful lover" Synonyms: traitorous, treasonable, treasonous, faithless.